Online Recipe Book


This is my first web app created with the React Library. This site utilizes a Next JS framework and is deployed on Vercel. In this demo app, users will be able to manage a list of "recipes", deleting existing entries, or adding their own.

Known issues

As it is my first time writing React, and the project timeline for this app is just a little under 2 weeks, there are many tweaks to make and functionalities to add. Here are some of the things I would improve if I were to continue this project into the future:

  • The state of the Recipes tab should be saved when unloaded, so changes the user makes are preserved when changing tabs.
  • There could be some sort of backend so recipe lists are saved between sessions. (Or maybe these values could be written to the cache? More research would be required here.)
  • Implement form validation on the inputs where users can add their own recipe. Stronger form validation and user-facing error messages would help make the form easier to interact with.
  • Add some sort of functionality for editing existing recipes, instead of just deleting and retyping.
  • Add additional fields for each recipe for common structures like direction lists, cook time, prep time, etc.
  • Menu for adding a recipe and newly added recipes should grow from the top so the page does not appear to jump when a new recipe is added.
  • Consolidate components, check code against tutorials to verify best practices.

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